Race   B   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Hs Dream Walker
1  1  1-1 1-3  1-3  31.63 2.80 B  All The Way
DKC Referee Ron
3  2  5 5  2-3  31.85 12.30 B  Returned To Place
Ptl Brick
7  7  8 4  3-3.5  31.87 5.60 B  Drove To Show
Pg Willie Awsome
6  5  2 2  4-7.5  32.14 5.60 B  Couldn't Hold It
Cam Wildride
5  6  6 6  5-8  32.19 12.30 B  Some Late Speed
Jt Carbon Copy
4  4  3 8  6-11  32.41 5.60 B  Midway Fadeout
Js Watchmewiggle
8  8  7 7  7-11.5  32.42 5.60 B  No Threat
Flyin Tyra Banks
2  3  4 3  8-12.5  32.52 3.40 B  Gaveway Late