Race   AA   548   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Flying Mancini
6  2  2 2  1-nk  30.08 .50 AA  Just Up, Mdtrk
Dancin Reba
3  1  1-2 1-3  2-nk  30.11 10.10 AA  Beaten At Wire
2  3  3 3  3-1.5  30.19 8.30 AA  Always There, Mdtk
Hold Vegas Style
1  4  4 4  4-4  30.37 21.30 AA  Followed Pace, Mdtk
Gable Iroquois
7  5  5 5  5-5.5  30.45 39.10 AA  Followed Pace, Ins
Dutch Kermin
8  6  7 7  6-7  30.58 7.50 AA  Failed To Rally
Gale Ww Wanika
4  8  8 8  7-7.5  30.60 11.50 AA  Lacked Early Speed
Bella Gallery
5  7  6 6  8-10.5  30.80 9.50 AA  Failed To Rally