Race   S   5-16   -
PRG Runner Win Place Show

L's Beach Bride
2  2  1-1 1-2  1-4  30.78 1.90 S  Increased Ld Thru, Ins
Princess Maddy
4  3  4 3  2-4  31.07 2.00 S  Rallied To Place, Md
Jd Insatiable
8  7  2 2  3-5  31.15 6.90 S  Lost Place Lt, Wd
Lucky One
6  8  6 5  4-10  31.48 16.20 S  Drove Thruout, Md
L Sully
1  1  3 4  5-10  31.53 4.70 S  Brief Foot, Faded
Cbr Iceman
3  5  7 6  6-10  31.54 16.20 S  Hard Try, Rl
Ch Big Shooter
7  4  8 8  7-13  31.69 16.20 S  Back Early, Ins
Jns Ricco Savae
5  6  5 7  8-17  32.01 11.90 S  Faded To Last, Ins