Race   D   546   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Ww Gemini Bits
7  3  3 3  1-1.5  31.75 4.60 D  Closed Fast To Win
Ww's Sparkling
1  4  5 5  2-1.5  31.84 2.50 D  Fast Finish To Place
Mega Anlace
2  5  4 4  3-1.5  31.85 10.20 D  Up For Show, Inside
Mega Fran
4  1  2 2  4-1.5  31.86 2.20 D  Just Missed Show, In
Dreams Come True
8  2  1-1.5 1-1  5-2.5  31.93 5.10 D  Caught Late, Badly
Ww's Musical Sal
5  6  6 6  6-6.5  32.22 8.20 D  Inside Driving
Ww's Grazia Bits
6  7  7 7  7-10  32.46 11.10 D  Never In It, Mdtk