Race   C   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Killer Clovis
5  4  2 1-1  1-2.5  31.32 20.00 C  Drawing Away Late
Kiowa Tif Kiowa
7  5  1-1 2  2-2.5  31.51 9.50 C  Led Briefly
Jax Amber
3  3  4 4  3-3.5  31.56 2.00 C  Dead Heat To Show
Kayli Jo
8  6  3 3  3-3.5  31.56 2.50 C  Dead Heat To Show
Rodeo Clown
2  2  5 5  5-4.5  31.65 13.00 C  Nothing After Break
Kiowa In Fun
1  1  7 6  6-6.5  31.76 2.80 C  Flashed Early
Earthquake Drive
4  8  8 8  7-10  32.02 9.50 C  Always In Back
Afternoon Baby
6  7  6 7  8-15.5  32.41 20.00 C  Factored Zero