Race   C   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Ds Slick
7  1  1-2 1-3  1-5  30.26 13.80 C  Drawing Away Mid
Bl Black Mail
1  2  2-2 2  2-5  30.61 08.00 C  Always In Pursuit Mi
Fuzzys Al Gore
3  7  3-3 3  3-5  30.63 02.00 C  Rushed Up To Show In
Atascocita Kamra
8  6  4-5 4  4-6  30.69 03.60 C  In The Money Quickly
Kb's Flame
4  8  6-7 7  5-11  31.04 13.80 C  Never Threatened Mid
Full Of Myself
2  3  7-9 6  6-11  31.07 06.50 C  Overtaken Early Mid
Flyin Kardashian
6  4  5-6 5  7-12  31.12 07.50 C  Out Of Mix Quickly M
Boc's High Life
5  5  8-12 8  8-12  31.15 04.00 C  Conceded Early Mid