Race   B   545   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Bb's Gone Crusin
8  8  4 3  1-2  30.16 42.60 B  Last To First Winner
Stash Magoo
5  1  1-.5 1-.5  2-2  30.29 1.80 B  Led Until The Strch
Boc's Jade Allen
6  5  2 2  3-2.5  30.35 7.00 B  Hard Run All The Way
4  6  7 6  4-4.5  30.46 5.00 B  Rushed Hard For Wire
Annie Dodgem
1  4  8 7  5-7  30.65 4.50 B  Blkd 1st, Surged Up
Sl Curly
2  3  3 4  6-7  30.66 6.00 B  Contender Til Strch
Craigie O Nelly
3  2  5 5  7-7.5  30.68 8.00 B  Coll 1st, Hard Try
Lady Of The Sea
7  7  6 8  8-9.5  30.84 4.00 B  Bmpd 1st, Drifted Bk