Race   D   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

8  2  1-1 1-6  1-4  30.99 1.40 D  Wire To Wire Mdtrk
KB's Krocodile
2  7  3- 3-  3-8  31.55 5.20 D  Good Effort
Carolina Aarow
7  5  8- 5-  4-8.5  31.58 10.70 D  Pressing Show
Dontmesswith Jim
1  3  2- 4-  5-13  31.89 9.50 D  Forced Pace, Tired
Next Big Thing
5  1  5- 6-  6-15.5  32.07 14.60 D  Slght Offstrde Bkstr
Simply Perfect
6  6  6- 7-  7-18  32.26 16.50 D  Cutoff Entng Bckstr
Get The Message
3  4  7- 8-  8-22  32.52 4.00 D  Pinched Bck Crtn Tn