Race   D   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Pat C Hindsight
2  1  1-3 1-3.5  1-2  31.34 3.50 D  Led The Way Inside
Pa's Dory
5  2  2- 2-  2-2  31.48 5.50 D  Chasing Leader
Country Smoke
6  5  3- 3-  3-2  31.49 3.80 D  Pressing Place Insde
Get The Message
7  8  5- 4-  4-8  31.90 7.10 D  Steady Effort
Pals Jitter Bug
3  4  6- 5-  5-11.5  32.16 9.10 D  Little Change Inside
CTW Feverish
4  7  7- 7-  6-12  32.18 4.20 D  Tight Qtrs Early
Jetta Ferrari
1  6  8- 8-  7-14  32.33 11.20 D  Offstrided Early
Dontmesswith Jim
8  3  4- 6-  8-15.5  32.41 4.90 D  Early Factor, Outrun