Race      583   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Game And Ready
2  4  6 4  1-1  32.48  Up In Time Mt
Hl's Carm
1  1  1-1 1-1  2-1  32.55  Caught In The Str
Roudy Tee
3  2  2 2  3-1  32.56  Good Effort Mt
Unruly Dash
7  6  3 5  4-2.5  32.64  Late Gain Rl
8  7  5 3  5-3  32.68  Steady Fade Ins
Ww Jimbo Miami
6  3  4 6  6-4.5  32.78  No Mishaps Ins
Itsa Stinker
4  5  7 7  7-6  32.90  Pinched Back 1st Trn
Bella My Girl
5  8  8 8  8-11  33.25  Back Thruout Ins