Race   S   753   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Rc Redstar
2  1  1-2 1-2  1-1.5  43.67 18.10 S  All The Way, Midtk
7  5  3 2  2-1.5  43.76 2.50 S  Bid Thruout Midtk
Kk's Murtagh
4  8  5 4  3-3  43.87 14.80 S  Drove Thru Rivals
Greta's Greenday
5  6  8 7  4-9  44.30 3.60 S  Late Gain, Midtk
Gable Ironhide
1  4  6 6  5-9.5  44.32 2.70 S  Blkd Erly, Some Gain
Val To Win
3  7  4 5  6-9.5  44.35 4.50 S  Tiring Late, Wide
Amf Bold Mover
6  2  7 8  7-13.5  44.63 12.20 S  Outrushed, No Factor
Derek Of Ruckus
8  3  2 3  8  . 12.10 S  Trailed