Race   A   677   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Rc's Mc Crusin
4  8  6 2  1-3  38.57 6.60 A  From Last To 1st Mid
Ctr Diamond Gal
6  1  1-1 1-1  2-3  38.78 6.60 A  Beat At Finish Ins
Magictime Maggie
5  3  3 3  3-5.5  38.94 8.30 A  Steady To Show Ins
Jb's Moody Gail
8  2  2 4  4-6.5  39.03 8.30 A  Settled For 4th Ins
Hk's Frequency
3  6  7 5  5-8.5  39.17 4.50 A  Gaining Ground Ins
Myokie Adora
7  7  8 6  6-10.5  39.30 3.40 A  Some Gain Inside
Ef Vanguard
2  4  4 7-col  7-15.5  39.66 26.90 A  Trouble In Escape
Sherri Canary
1  5  5 8-col  8  OOP 2.60 A  TRAILED