Race   C   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Go Kel Jo
4  1  1-1 1-1  1-1  30.84 5.90 C  Box To Wire Inside
Moon Mt Sandy
8  3  2 2  2-1  30.90 2.10 C  Winning Effort Ins
Greys Star Baron
6  8  5 3  3-1.5  30.94 3.30 C  From Last To Show
Down The Middle
7  6  6 4  4-4.5  31.16 19.90 C  Drove For 4th Inside
Flying Tessio
1  5  7 5  5-5  31.18 2.60 C  Trbl 1st Some Gain
Coach Brooke
2  2  4 6  6-7  31.33 16.40 C  Weakened Far Turn
Deco Camolot
5  4  3 7  7-7  31.34 25.10 C  Some Late Trouble
Red Butch
3  7  8 8  8-9  31.47 10.60 C  Trbl 1st Always Back