Race      550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Se Tommy Boy
2  2  1-1 1-2  1-1.5  31.25  Comfortable Lead
Coach Inana
7  1  2 2  2-1.5  31.35  Brief Lead To Place
Rg Burning Bush
8  3  3 3  3-4.5  31.58  Steady Speed To Show
Skippy Da Doo Da
4  4  4 4  4-5  31.61  Even Pace To 4th
Cet Makah
1  7  7 6  5-7  31.75  Some Late Gain
Hlo's Stormy
6  5  5 5  6-7.5  31.76  Little Change
Ns Bad Apple
3  6  6 7  7-9  31.87  Varied Little