Race   C   550   -
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Rams Bluethunder
5  1  1-1 1-2  1-3  30.76 2.30 C  Box To Wire-outside
Kiowa June Apple
8  3  2 2  2-3  30.96 7.40 C  Held Place Safe-inside
T's Cabo Wabo
6  2  3 3  3-7  31.24 7.60 C  Sought Rail Early-shwd
Grievous Angel
2  7  7 4  4-9  31.41 1.80 C  Bumped Wide 2nd Turn
Lloyd The Barber
7  8  4 5  5-10  31.46 13.30 C  Cowded 2nd Tn-bumped
Mega Barmaid
4  5  6 6  6-10  31.47 9.90 C  Cls Qtrs Both Turns-ra
Kentucky Baby
3  4  5 7  7-10  31.48 6.00 C  Pinched Back 2nd Turn
Lk's Locomotion
1  6  8 8  8-10  31.52 20.50 C  Shut Off 1st Turn-midt