Tri-State Results
July 2, 2022 - Evening
Race 2   C   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show
1 Gls Wyatt Earp 9.00 5.20 3.40
5 Mac's Evita 7.80 5.20
4 Tnt Sniper 7.60


$2.00 QUINELLA 1/5 paid $29.60

$2.00 TRIFECTA 1/5/4 paid $538.40

$2.00 DOUBLE 5/1 paid $168.20

$2.00 SUPERFECTA 1/5/4/3 paid $1,660.00

Gls Wyatt Earp
1  2  2 2  1-2.5  30.80 3.50 C  Drove By To Win In
Mac's Evita
5  1  1-2 1-1  2-2.5  30.96 6.60 C  Outdueled To Plc Out
Tnt Sniper
4  5  5 3  3-3.5  31.04 18.40 C  LateSpeedToShow In
Cet Redneck
3  4  4 4  4-3.5  31.05 3.90 C  Steady Pace To 4th
Iced Latte
8  3  3 5  5-4.5  31.10 10.30 C  Middle Of The Pack
Queen Laroo
7  6  6 6  6-7  31.28 3.50 C  Even Pace
Truly Stellar
6  7  7 7  7-7.5  31.34 9.70 C  Stagnant Performance
Superior Murray
2  8  8 8  8  . 9.00 C  Sluggish Performance