Race   TB   660   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Fraulein Ms Idol
2  3  1-1 1-1  1-3  37.76 2.90 TB  All The Way Midtrack
B's Whatshername
8  1  2 2  2-3  37.96 9.00 TC  Best Of The Rest Mtk
Xk Steady Imcome
5  2  4 3  3-4.5  38.07 8.00 TB  Closing Well Outside
Awe Alice Cooper
4  8  6 5  4-5.5  38.16 7.00 TB  Constant Drive Mdtrk
B's Scepter
3  4  3 4  5-6.5  38.22 4.50 TB  Good Effort Mdtrack
Lost In Space
1  6  5 6  6-9.5  38.43 13.00 TB  Never Gained Inside
Se's Flyin Ryan
6  5  8 8  7-15  38.80 9.00 TB  No Contender Inside
Jw Scooby Doo
7  7  7 7  8-18  39.03 2.50 TB  No Factor Inside