Race   C   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Rb Helen's Alice
5  1  1-1 1-2  1-1  31.68 4.60 C  All The Way Mid
Budz Kobie
7  8  7 4  2-1  31.76 4.60 C  Pushed For Plc Mid
Kiowa Bearcat
4  6  8 7  3-3.5  31.94 1.80 C  Exploded To Show Mid
Wiljac Sheba
3  7  6 3  4-4.5  32.00 4.60 C  Couldnt Hang In Wide
Pmb Smacking
2  3  5 5  5-6  32.11 99.99 C  Erly Dropout Mid
Richwood Wv C
1  4  4 2  6-6.5  32.14 4.60 C  Up And Back Mid
Color Me Redfred
6  2  2 6  7-7.5  32.21 99.99 C  Quit Midway Mid
8  5  3 8  8-9  32.31 4.60 C  Peaked And Faded Mid