Race   M   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

C Ville Willow
8  3  2 2  1-.5  31.50 10.40 M  Not To Be Denied Mid
Jerry's Jazzy
7  2  3 3  2-.5  31.55 0.80 M  Bmpd 1st, Kept Going
Cals Miss Audrey
3  1  1-3 1-.5  3-2.5  31.67 6.10 M  Led To Stretch Ins
Kelsos Ovation
2  8  6 5  4-7.5  32.01 25.30 M  Blckd Twice, Gaining
Crop Chaser
4  7  4 4  5-8  32.07 23.70 M  No Trouble Midtrack
Blu Too Sargent
5  6  7 7  6-11  32.26 5.00 M  Cutoff Erly Midtrack
Happiness Is
1  5  5 6  7-11  32.27 6.10 M  Bumped 1st Turn Ins
Dangerous Goldie
6  4  8 8  8-12.5  32.39 7.10 M  Trouble Twice 1st Tn