Race   B   5/16   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Moto Shy Bo
8  5  2 2  1-3  30.34 4.30 B  Best In The Stretch
Raiders Nia
4  1  1-2 1-2  2-3  30.55 5.10 B  Led Till Deep Str
Dk'S Wire Hair
5  3  3 3  3-7.5  30.86 5.40 B  Evenly To Show
Jim Copper
2  8  5 5  4-8  30.90 7.60 B  Closed Gap In Str
K'S Faith
3  2  7 6  5-10.5  31.09 4.60 B  Moving Up Late,mid
Gable Dax
7  6  4 4  6-11  31.11 3.60 B  Tangled Up 1st Turn
Dk's About Face
1  7  6 7  7-16  31.46 3.50 B  Close Qrtrs Far Turn
C Ville Hogan
6  4  8 8  8-17.5  31.58 11.80 B  Hit Hard 1st Turn