Race   M   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Dutch Tempest
1  3  1-4 1-8  1-11  30.57 2.10 M  Never Looked Back
BB's Cool One
5  8  3- 2-  2-11  31.33 15.80 M  Best Of Rest
Crystal N Roses
2  2  4- 3-  3-21  32.05 6.40 M  Distant Show
Flury's Meteor
6  4  8- 4-  4-25  32.32 4.70 M  Collided 1st Tn
Kaycar Vader
8  7  5- 5-  5-25  32.33 2.60 M  Bumped Wide 1st Tn
Jc Julie My Girl
7  6  6- 6-  6-26.5  32.44 6.40 M  Traffic 1st Tn
Charlotte And I
4  5  7- 8-  7-29.5  32.65 10.40 M  Boxed In Early
Iruska Winston
3  1  2- 7-  8-31  32.75 19.30 M  Met Early Traffic