Race   AA   583   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Ww's War Horse
1  2  1-2.5 1-2  1-4  31.75 .60 AA  Easily Rl
Barts True Grit
2  1  2 2  2-4  32.02 18.30 AA  Followed Pace Ins
L's Be Be Brice
6  6  3 3  3-5.5  32.14 5.10 AA  Good Effort Wd
5  4  5 4  4-8.5  32.33 3.80 AA  Game Effort Rl
Atascocita Hamby
7  8  8 7  5-11.5  32.56 10.40 AA  Bmpd 1st & Str Trns
Anna Liffey
8  7  6 6  6-13  32.66 44.70 AA  Bmpd Str Turn Ins
Crt Boom Borges
3  5  7 8  7-14  32.74 37.90 AA  Blckd & Bmpd 1st Trn
Volando Fonzie
4  3  4 5  8-15.5  32.82 10.50 AA  Bmpd Str Turn Mt