Race   M   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Deco Fox Fire
5  1  1-2 1-2  1-1  31.84 03.40 M  Led All The Way-ins
How Ya Been
7  2  7 7  2-1  31.93 06.60 M  Bumped Wd 1st-gainin
Hallo The Remedy
6  4  3 3  3-2  31.99 06.90 M  Slight Bump 1st-shwd
Kiowa Mj Tam
4  5  5 6  4-3  32.03 08.00 M  Sought Rail 1st-bump
Penrose Tiffany
8  3  2 2  5-4  32.10 04.00 M  Weakened In Stretch-
Jax Oakley
1  8  8 8  6-4  32.14 04.60 M  Slow Start-blocked-m
Lk's Working Gal
2  6  4 4  7-4.5  32.16 04.80 M  Sm Erly Gain-weaknd
Mega Ukraine
3  7  6 5  8-6  32.25 09.60 M  Bmpd Twice 1st-fdd