Race   A   660   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Oya Stan The Man
6  3  4 2  1-3  37.42 00.70 A  Accelerated Outside
Noelles Bella
4  6  8 5  2-3  37.61 06.70 A  Placed Dspt Early Tr
Barts Mr Peabody
3  2  2 1-1  3-3  37.62 02.50 A  Outfinished-held Sho
Flyin Joni Ernst
2  4  3 4  4-3.5  37.66 09.10 A  Crowded In Stretch-i
Flying Swat Van
1  1  1-1 3  5-4  37.69 21.00 A  Early Leader-weakene
Mega Progress
8  8  5 6  6-6  37.85 21.70 A  Cut To Rail Early-bl
Taking It All In
5  5  7 8  7-9.5  38.08 59.00 A  Shuffled Back Early-
Tmc's Moonbeam
7  7  6 7  8-10  38.10 22.50 A  Lacked Late Speed-in