Race   B   677   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Oshkosh Ickus
1  3  2 1-2  1-3  38.62 6.60 B  Took Control Far Trn
Lil Misschevious
3  2  3 2  2-3  38.84 5.70 B  Dead Heat To Place
Kiowa Moon Flyer
5  4  4 3  2-3  38.84 20.90 B  Dead Heat To Place
Baba O'riley
6  1  1-1 4  4-3.5  38.87 16.50 B  Set Pace Game Try
Fresh Beauty
2  6  5 5  5-4  38.90 11.50 B  Early Trbl Same Pace
Magic Lottiemae
7  7  7 6  6-5.5  39.02 20.90 B  Collided 1st Turn
Limbo Rock
4  8  8 7  7-9  39.26 14.90 B  Collided 1st Turn
Perfect Warning
8  5  6 8  8-9.5  39.28 .50 B  Some Early Speed Ins