Race   M   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Dkc Rusty Peters
1  1  1-2 1-4  1-6.5  30.65 2.80 M  Blazing Speed Mid
Easi On The Eyes
6  4  4 3  2-6.5  31.10 13.70 M  Late Gain To Place M
Ja's Redsox Fan
8  2  2 2  3-7.5  31.17 2.00 M  Settled To Show In
Coach Zion
4  3  3 4  4-7.5  31.19 3.70 M  Even Pace To 4th
Wild Lizzy
2  6  5 5  5-11.5  31.44 27.60 M  Even Effort
Wjs Sweet Manny
7  5  6 6  6-16  31.78 13.70 M  Steady Pace
Tp Rochester
3  8  7 7  7-18.5  31.95 24.70 M  Little Change
Cet Iron Mike
5  7  8 8  8-20.5  32.07 9.50 M  Mostly Behind