Race   M   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

DKC Sea Puff
6  3  2 2  1-3  31.48 14.40 M  Stole The Win
Cg's May
3  5  4 3  2-3  31.69 13.30 M  Steady Gain To Place
Ja's Cobra
2  4  6 4  3-3  31.70 5.40 M  Late Speed To Show
Gp Warrior Westy
1  1  1-2 1-1  4-4.5  31.79 4.20 M  Weakened In Stretch
Rwc Sugar Babe
7  7  7 5  5-7  31.96 7.90 M  Some Late Gain
Maria Sharapova
8  2  3 6  6-9.5  32.13 1.70 M  Lost Position Early
Ff Jessica Alba
5  8  8 8  7-10.5  32.21 8.90 M  Varied Little
Kiowa Servpro
4  6  5 7  8-10.5  32.22 21.70 M  Faded In Stretch