Race   C   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Gls Hoos Away
7  1  1-1 1-2  1-2.5  30.77 20.30 C  All The Way To Win
Craigie Sangria
1  3  4 3  2-2.5  30.93 18.00 C  Late Gain To Place
Arkans Ec Athena
5  4  3 4  3-3.5  31.00 5.50 C  Even Pace To Show
Coach Isabella
4  2  2 2  4-3.5  31.03 4.80 C  Settled To 4th
Hi Champ
2  5  5 5  5-4.5  31.10 3.00 C  Even Effort
Wv's Weircrest
3  7  6 6  6-6  31.20 5.10 C  Varied Little
Mac's Maidstone
8  8  8 7  7-6.5  31.24 3.50 C  Little Change
Bwg Rufus
6  6  7 8  8-11.5  31.57 16.70 C  Faded Early