Race   B   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Bo Bo Bruiser
5  3  3 3  1-nk  30.57 1.00 B  Stole The Win In
7  1  1-2 1-2  2-nk  30.60 45.60 B  Couldn't Hold On In
Cet Wild Jessco
3  2  2 2  3-1  30.63 7.10 B  Settled To Show In
Gls Look Out
4  5  5 5  4-5  30.92 7.10 B  Late Move To 4th
Mac's River
1  7  7 7  5-5.5  30.94 4.00 B  Some Late Gain
Db's Mexican Sun
2  4  4 4  6-5.5  30.95 22.30 B  Lost Position Late
Wv's Wyco
6  8  8 8  7-7.5  31.10 45.60 B  Varied Little
Button The Hatch
8  6  6 6  8-8  31.12 10.60 B  Weakened Late