Race   C   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

QI Horse Powered
1  1  1-2 1-2  1-2  30.81 5.00 C  All The Way To Win I
Gls Hot Lips
5  3  3 2  2-2  30.96 3.40 C  Up Late To Place Mid
Cg's Poppa
4  2  2 3  3-3.5  31.06 18.00 C  Settled To Show In
Saturn's Titan
7  4  4 4  4-4.5  31.12 5.20 C  Even Pace To 4th
Happy David
3  6  5 5  5-7.5  31.32 10.20 C  Middle Of The Pack
Flying Descartes
2  8  7 6  6-10  31.51 2.70 C  Some Early Gain
Mac's Hux
6  5  6 7  7-11  31.58 37.00 C  Faded Early
Maddies Choice
8  7  8 8  8-12.5  31.68 7.40 C  Mostly Behind