Race   B   550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Imark Zane
7  6  6 3  1-nk  31.01 3.70 B  Gassed It To Win In
Ultra Dejavu
5  2  2 1-2  2-nk  31.04 1.50 B  Brief Lead To Plc In
Bwg Superstar
2  5  4 2  3-2.5  31.17 13.30 B  EarlySpeedToShow In
Super C Dare
1  4  3 4  4-3.5  31.27 2.90 B  Even Pace To 4th
Hollywood Hex
6  7  5 6  5-5  31.36 14.00 B  Some Early Gain
Cbj Fly Sonic
4  1  1-1 5  6-6  31.42 30.60 B  Led HW, Weakened
Blp Indigo
3  8  8 7  7-6.5  31.46 44.10 B  Little Advancement
Rpg Cheer
8  3  7 8  8-7.5  31.53 16.50 B  Hit The Brakes Early