Race      677   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Ww Chippin Away
8  1  1-1 1-1  1-.5  38.59  Box To Wire
Ww Regal Rose
7  2  2 2  2-.5  38.64  Nipping At The Heels
Ww Whack Attack
3  3  3 3  3-7.5  39.12  Steady Speed To Show
Cbt Flamethrower
2  6  6 4  4-13  39.50  Stretch Drive To 4th
Watch Out
1  5  5 5  5-15.5  39.68  Cruise Control On
Ww Unique
6  7  7 7  6-24.5  40.29  Varied Little
Ww Ark Angel
4  4  4 6  7  OOP  Out Of Gas Late