Race      550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Rg Move Along
2  1  1-3 1-2  1-1.5  30.51  Box To Wire
Superior Yukon
4  3  2 2  2-1.5  30.62  Early Push To Place
Coach Belatande
3  5  4 3  3-13.5  31.46  Early Speed To Show
Cet Jones
8  4  5 4  4-14  31.48  Reclaimed 4th
Arroyo Abby
7  7  6 5  5-18.5  31.82  Some Early Gain
Rg Apollo
1  2  3 6  6-21  31.97  Faded Early
Jn's Chief
5  8  7 7  7-21.5  32.00  Little Change
Rg Settle Down
6  6  8 8  8-25  32.27  Mostly Behind