Race      550   F
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Worst Sinner
7  4  2 2  1-2.5  30.96  Drove By To Win
Lb's Taz Mania
5  5  5 3  2-2.5  31.14  Late Push To Place
2  1  1-2 1-1  3-4.5  31.27  Couldn't Hold On
Magenta Status
4  6  4 4  4-9.5  31.62  Up Early To 4th
Sharkbait Oohaha
8  3  6 6  5-17  32.14  Middle Of The Pack
Cet Wee Man
1  7  7 5  6-17.5  32.17  Raced In Traffic
Js Hot N Spicy
6  2  3 7  7-17.5  32.19  Out Of Gas Early
Xb Hard Rock
3  8  8 8  8-18  32.23  Followed The Pack