Race   M   550   -
PRG Runner Win Place Show

Lady Brooke
1  2  1-hd 1-4  1-10  30.89 20.10 M  Won Going Away-inside
Barts Eye Candy
6  6  6 5  2-10  31.58 23.90 M  Stretch Hustle-placed
Kb's On The Edge
4  4  3 3  3-10  31.60 15.90 M  Held On To Show-midtrk
Lk's Sweetness
7  3  5 4  4-12  31.77 5.30 M  Nudged Wide 1st Turn
Ww's Junk Man
5  7  7 8  5-14  31.90 3.40 M  Blocked 1st-wide 2nd
Prime Cut
8  8  8 7  6-14  31.93 4.30 M  Slow Start-shut Off 1s
Penrose David
3  5  4 6  7-17  32.08 1.20 M  Flew Wide 1st-bumped
Isabelle Mcbones
2  1  2 2  8-18  32.18 11.00 M  Faded In Stretch-rail